A thought leader in education, Susan has presented to audiences in the US and abroad through webinars, keynote speeches, interactive sessions, and more. Her expertise integrates sustainability, social justice, curriculum and what it means for kids’ futures.
Responding To Climate Change and Sustainability In Education: Panel presentation at the Educational Leaders Without Borders global conference. (June, 2021)
From Eco-Anxiety to Radical Healing: A Path Towards Environmental Justice: Presentation at the Green Schools National conference (June, 2021).
Featured guest on three podcasts: Learning Futures, Michigan Minds, and EdCuration (in production).
Aligning Writing to K-12 Standards: What Teachers Need and What Authors Should Know: (August 2020). Webinar presentation for the Michigan Chapter of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Changing the Story: Flipping the Script on Neoliberal Narratives in Education. Workshop at the XV Congress of the International Society for Ecological Economics (September 2018 in Puebla, Mexico).
Getting Down to Business: How Neoliberalism is Dismantling the Public Mission of Schooling. Presentation at Michigan State University. (September 2019).
Education is a Human Right for All. Panel presentation at the United Nations’ conference, “We the People,” held at United Nations’ headquarters in New York (August 2018). The talk focused on supporting immigrant and refugee students through trauma-informed, culturally relevant instruction.
Interested in having Susan speak at your event? Contact her here.